[Mat09] BME Differenciálegyenletek Szeminárium, okt.15. csütörtök
Mincsovics Miklos
m.e.mincsovics at gmail.com
2015. Okt. 11., V, 20:27:48 CEST
Szeretettel várjuk a BME Differenciálegyenletek Tanszék
következõ szemináriumára
2015. október 15-én csütörtökön 10:15-kor a H306-os teremben
Shingyu Leung (Hong Kong)
Eulerian Methods for Schrodinger Equations in the Semi-Classical Regime
We present various Eulerian method for solving the Schrodinger equations in
the semi-classical regime based on high frequency asymptotic methods. We
discuss the constructions based on the geometrical method, the Gaussian
beam summation and also a recently developed fast Huygens sweeping methods
which incorporates short-time Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin-Jeffreys (WKBJ)
propagators into Huygens’ principle. Even though the WKBJ solution is valid
only for a short time period due to the occurrence of caustics, Huygens’
principle allows us to construct the global-in-time semi-classical
solution. This is a joint work with Susana Serna and Jianliang Qian.
Mincsovics Miklós
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