[Mat09] BME Differenciálegyenletek Szeminári um, okt. 16. 10:15

Nagy Katalin knagy at math.bme.hu
2014. Okt. 12., V, 13:02:48 CEST


Szeretettel várjuk a BME Differenciálegyenletek Tanszék következõ 


2014. október 16-án csütörtökön 10:15-kor a H306-os teremben

Eligius M.T. Hendrix (from Europe):
Dynamic programming at work

In a class room setting we teach and learn usually the underlying process of
Dynamic Programming. In this presentation, the focus is on getting problems
that can be formulated as dynamic programming problems solved in a computer.
What does it practically mean to solve a specific problem. Among others we can
•          How to switch colour of traffic light given length of queues of
waiting vehicles
•          When to release water in reservoir or lake management?
•          When to re-supply your fridge with beer?
•          What about the salad?
•          Taking actions in an agro-logistics supply chain
•          How fast should EU revise fish quota?
•          Does price variation influence deforestation in Latin America?
•          Will pollution of several industries in Australia lead to closure
of some?


Nagy Katalin

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