[Mazsola] PhD School Marseille 2013
Vetõ Bálint
vetob at math.bme.hu
2012. Okt. 26., P, 14:31:23 CEST
Az alabbi programot ajanlom figyelmetekbe, es ha tudtok lehetseges tovabbi
erdeklodokrol, terjesszetek.
Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention to the PhD school
on "Random polymers and random matrices"
which we are organizing next year in Marseille,
see below and attachment for details.
We shall be grateful if you advertised the school
among the doctoral students/researchers of your
institution. Participants are kindly asked to write
an email to
nkistler at uni-bonn.de
Nicola Kistler and Veronique Gayrard
DATES: 4th-8th March 2013
LOCATION: CIRM in Luminy/Marseille.
SPEAKERS: Erwin Bolthausen (Random Polymers)
and Benjamin Schlein (Random Matrices).
Both speakers will give a 10h minicourse on
their subject.
EXPENSES: full lodging provided by the CIRM.
Limited financial support for travel expenses.
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