[Mazsola] Fwd: Positions at UBC
Miklos Zoltan Racz
mikiracz at math.bme.hu
2011. Okt. 9., V, 23:36:01 CEST
Nem tudom ki van a piacon allasugyben, de ez esetleg erdekelhet valakiket.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Omer Angel <angel at math.ubc.ca>
Date: Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Positions at UBC
To: Miklos Racz <mikiracz at math.bme.hu>
Dear Miklos,
There are openings at UBC for postdoctoral positions in probability
(intended for excellent researchers within three years of the PhD)
and for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair with probability one of the priority
areas (intended for an outstanding researcher within ten years of the PhD).
The advertisement for postdoctoral positions is at:
15, 2011)
and for the Canada Research Chair at:
20, 2011)
We would be grateful if you could inform any suitable candidates.
Please contact any of us for additional information:
Gorden Slade <slade at math.ubc.ca>
Ed Perkins <perkins at math.ubc.ca>
Asaf Nachmias <asafnach at math.ubc.ca>
David Brydges <db5d at math.ubc.ca>
Martin Barlow <barlow at math.ubc.ca>
Omer Angel <angel at math.ubc.ca>
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