[Mat11] Experience nemzetközi kulturális csereprogram
Hkt Info
Hkt_Info at sc.bme.hu
2013. Ápr. 20., Szo, 11:16:09 CEST
Kedves Hallgatók!
Az AIESEC BME eXperience kulturális csereprogramjára pótjelentkezési napot hirdetünk!
Az eXperience egy 6-8 hetes külföldi program, melynek keretében Közép-Európa, Ázsia vagy Dél-Amerika országainak egyikébe látogathatsz el. A program célja, hogy a résztvevők pozitív hatást gyakoroljanak a helyi környezetre, miközben ők is hatalmas élményekkel gazdagodnak.
Miért is jó eXperience-re menni? A videóból<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwFFksfAylw> megtudod!
További részletek:
A Pótjelentkezési nap során:
* felteheted kérdéseidet a programmal kapcsolatban
* böngészhetsz a lehetőségek között
* és a helyszínen leadhatod a jelentkezésed!
* ezen a napon az online regisztrációt<http://summerexperience.weebly.com/> is újra megnyitjuk
Időpont: április 23., kedd, 10-18 óra
Helyszín: K épület 383.
Ha csatlakozol az eXperience Pótjelentkezési nap facebook eseményhez<http://www.facebook.com/events/371110836336326/?ref=ts&fref=ts>, és az elsők között regisztrálsz kedden a helyszínen, egy piros eXperience napszemüveggel gazdagodhatsz!
Egy kis ízelítő lehetőségeinkből:
Myself My World
Duration: 6 weeks
Topic: Education and Public Awareness
Requirements: Excellent English
* 1st week: Orientation
* 2nd and 3rd week: First Camp
* 4th week: Evaluation & Planning,
* 5th and 6th week: Second Camp
* There will be 60 high school students in each camps
Job description
The exchange participants will
* make presentations about global topics, professions and their countries have soft skills presentations
* make researches about non-governmental organizations, to collect information about them in their country
* present about their home countries and social topics. Participants should be prepared
* to take part in Global Village during the program. Participant should bring traditional clothes, food, beverages, brochures, gadgets as well as presentation about the country.
Benefits for the interns
* Learn about Turkish culture and lifestyle and get closer to other different cultures.
* Learn how to organize a project.
* Gain facilitating skills training skills, auto presentation skills and interpersonal skills.
* Get familiar with working in multicultural environment
Green Way
Duration: 6 weeks
Topic: Ecology and Education
Requirements: Excellent English
Job description
The exchange participants will
* present the idea of eco sustainability to school pupils and university students in a creative way, involve them into discussions
* provide information about the current state of art in the interns country
* provide information about global ecological problems, eco-sustainability, possible tips and solutions to improve ecological situation in the world and Ukraine as a part of it by presentations and lessons
* organize workshops with the help of other members of AIESEC Kyiv and external professionals to show the practical cases of the usage of ecologic knowledge
* promote, organize and realize cleanup events with other interns, members of AIESEC Kyiv, NGOs, pupils and students
* show own country presenting national traditions, food, history, clothes, musical instruments, nature in order to show the variety of world's cultures and to share the idea of cultural tolerance
Benefits for the interns
* work in dynamic international environment
* attending trainings, preparing sessions, working with young people and contributing to the development of ecological way of thinking
* gain facilitating and presentation skills project management and team management experience will also be developed in intern
Global Citizen
Duration: 9-11 weeks
Topic: Education and Language Teaching
* Excellent English
* Basic Spanish
* Teaching skills
Job description:
The exchange participants will
* participate in teaching basic english to 2 classes of teenagers who wants come in on the labor market
* beyond teach languages, the trainee must develop workshops activities involving such matters as: education importance, labor market, ethics at work, social responsability, professions and another issues that will be interesting to teenagers that wants start to work
* the trainne will work in 2 shifts, 2 days per week with English classes
* one day will be used to prepare these classes
Benefits for the interns
* work in an international environment
* gain team work experience
* learn about Brazilian culture
* develop communication and teaching skills
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