[Mat10] BME Differenciálegyenletek Szeminári um, okt. 09. 10:15

Nagy Katalin knagy at math.bme.hu
2014. Okt. 2., Cs, 12:14:00 CEST


Szeretettel várjuk a BME Differenciálegyenletek Tanszék következõ 


2014. október 9-én csütörtökön 10:15-kor a H306-os teremben

Kiss Krisztina (BME)
Cross-diffusion Modeling in Macroeconomics

We deal with the stability properties of a closed market, where capital and
labour force are acting like a predator--prey system in population--dynamics.
The spatial movement of the capital and labour force are taken into account by
cross-diffusion effect. This is modeled by a reaction-diffusion system inside
a country, while it is modeled by patches between two countries.

We prove if these effects are superimposed some additional conditions have to
be satisfied in order to be stable the spatially constant solution compared to
that cases when these effect was taken into account separately.

Our four-dimensional model highlights that a hectic movement of the capital
toward labour force can cause a Turing instability.


Nagy Katalin

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