[Doktoranduszok] [Fwd: Fwd: meghivo, jun 7]
Elekné Barna Ibolya
ibolya at math.bme.hu
2010. Május. 31., H, 09:15:02 CEST
Kedves Kolléga!
A Rényi Intézet Fiatal Kutatói Szemináriumának következo eloadása,
******* június 7-én (hétfon), 14:00 órakor *********
lesz, melyre minden érdeklodot szeretettel várunk!
Eloadónk: Ambrus Gergely (Rényi Intézet)
eloadása cime: A glimpse into high dimensional convex geometry
Geometry of the plane and the 3-space was one of the first areas studied by
mathematicians. The main inspiration that led to ancient results has not
changed ever since: it is our natural visualisation of the space. However, as
the number of dimensions grows large, basic features vary, and our intuition
leads us astray more and more times.
In the talk, we shall see a couple of peculiar phenomena that match the above
scheme. We are mainly interested in asymptotic results, i.e. the order of
magnitude of quantities compared to the number of dimensions. We shall start
with concentration results from probability, which, seen from a geometric
viewpoint, give us information about the distribution of volume in particular
convex bodies: balls and cubes. As it turns out, volume behaves like dust: a
matter that is dense everywhere, yet it is impossible to grasp. Then, results
about sections of convex bodies will be presented, containing Dvoretzky's
theorem about almost ellipsoidal slices, as well as one of the main
of the field: the slicing conjecture.
- a szervezok
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