<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>Kedves Mindenki!<br><br></div>Továbbítom a csütörtöki szemináriumon hirdetett workshop részleteit.<br><br></div>Üdv,<br><br></div>Csilla<br><br><p><span>Workshop</span> Announcement</p>
<p>We are happy to announce that the next <span>workshop</span> within the EU <span>COST</span>-Action TD1207 on "Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks (ICT)" (<a href="http://cost-td1207.zib.de/" target="_blank">http://<span>cost</span>-td1207.zib.de/</a>)</p>
<p>will be on</p>
<p>Mathematical Models and Methods for Energy Optimization (CWM^3EO)</p>
<p>at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3.) on September 25-26, 2014.</p>
<p>The emphasis of this <span>COST</span>-Action is to
advance the visibility and general awareness of the strong research
contributions of mathematical optimization in the field of energy
production and distribution. The main aim is to enhance collaborations
between experts of different branches of mathematical optimization and
experts of energy systems. One of the planned tools for furthering this
interaction is a Wiki for collecting and organizing the huge amount of
work already done in the field. It will serve as entry point and
guidance to this field for practitioners and scientists in general.</p>
<p>The <span>workshop</span> will feature plenary talks by prominent researchers in mathematical methods and their applications to energy <span></span></p><p>optimization:</p>
<p>- Jordi Castro (Uni. Politecnica de Catalunya)<br>
- Sandrine Charousset (EDF R&R)<br>
- Claudia D'Ambrosio (Ecole Polytechnique)<br>
- Laureano Escudero (Uni. Rey Juan Carlos)<br>
- Utz-Uwe Haus (ETH Zurich)<br>
- Carla Henriques (Uni. Coimbra)<br>
- Martin Mevissen (IBM Research)<br>
- Lars Schewe (Uni. Erlangen)</p>
<p>Contributed talks are welcome on all relevant modeling/methodological
aspects of potential interest within the broader scope of energy
optimization. Perspective contributions should be submitted until August
30 under the form of a short abstract of at most one page. Authors will
be notified about acceptance before September 7.</p>
<p></p><p>It would be particularly appreciated if the contributing
authors were available (directly, or through some collaborator) to
helping in raising the Wiki to the quality standards we all wish for by
fleshing out the parts of the Wiki corresponding to the argument they
presented (possibly after having contributed in reshaping its general
structure if such a need arises).</p><p><br></p><div><div>
<p>Participation to the worskhop (either presenting a talk or not) is
free, but registration is required for logistic reasons. Further
information on the <span>workshop</span> can be found at</p>
<p><a href="http://www.math.bme.hu/CostWG2014/" target="_blank">http://www.math.bme.hu/CostWG2014/</a></p>
<p>We very much hope to welcome you in Budapest in September!</p>
<p>Yours Sincerely,</p>
<p>Antonio Frangioni, Boglarka G.-Tóth, and Christoph Helmberg<br>
(CWM^3EO Program Committee, a.k.a. the ABC Team)</p>